Thursday, August 23, 2007

23 Things Summary

In general, I liked this program and found most of the information to be very helpful. I have never made a blog in the past, but have created numerous web pages, and found my HTML editing experience to be very useful in getting my desired results in this project. I also found several new resources that I did not know existed, like, librarything, etc. Some of the items, like YouTube, are interesting, although very popular and tend to be over-used. All in all, I had fun making my blog and may decide to keep it up in different ways. I liked how I could incorporate my RSS feed and all the different links I found into the new blog I made and I had fun with the imaging software. I especially enjoyed the 43 Things list of lifetime goals. I guess if we can read about people from all over the world, from their own life's commentary, it does indeed, feel like the world is a smaller place filled with people who have the same goals and struggles. The idea of collaboration truly helps to unify people; no idea is ever really perfect, and there will be abusers out there who give false information or do harm to those who put themselves out there, but I do think that there is a bit of bravery involved in publishing your own thoughts online for the whole world to see. So, for what it's worth to whomever reads this, I think that this is a nice project, worth doing, and enjoying the exploration of different ideas and websites. The world is indeed filled with many people who have similar goals, and this is one more unifying factor.

(Thing #23 is now finished!)

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