Thursday, August 23, 2007


You know, I'm just not as taken with YouTube as most people seem to be. Most of the videos I've seen are not worth viewing. In general, I just think it's another way for very needy, attention-starved people to make fools of themselves by acting stupid. Like the stunts people show themselves doing. Who wants to see someone get maimed? It's not funny to me. Like most of those home video shows are not funny... people running their bikes into brick walls, falling off building, trying to be Evil Kenevil and nearly dying. I think it's demented to be humored by other peoples' misfortunes. But that's just me.

Of course, there are exceptions to my distaste for YouTube. I do enjoy when my sister sends me adorable video footage of my little niece, which she has recently done, and placed it on YouTube (even though it was published elsewhere as well, so I didn't find it, originally, on YouTube.) At any rate, in the video above, is sweet little Abby, playing at the beach. Maybe when I have a child someday, I will videotape my little darling at his/her first birthday party and send it to my friends, but I would be wary of publishing it for a bunch of strangers to be able to see my family and make rude comments. People are really mean! Like the people who posted a photo after the accident in which their child had a fork go THROUGH his nose, and then the jerks who used to site made comments about how ugly the poor little boy was! Geez! Talk about superficial and nasty! And completely inappropriate and immature! Hasn't this kid suffered enough? Do we really want to publicize why you shouldn't run with forks to the whole world?

I would prefer to keep my life private, sending my family pictures and videos only to those I know... there are lots of weirdos out there and we don't know who could be watching these videos and pic out their next stalking victim. Beware of these types of sites! I must admit, I do have a Myspace account and a Facebook account, however, I keep these accounts private and do not divulge too much information about my life to strangers. Always be cautious of internet safety! And that is my tip for the day.

(Thing #20 is done)

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